I underwent a varicocele procedure in June 2008 for pain in my left testicle that was moderate but not overbearing. I was 28 and very athletic—I ran often, and played soccer on a semi-professional level up until I was 22.

Four days after the operation, I was lying on my stomach on my bed and I pushed myself shoulders upwards with my arms. A sudden sharp pain shot through my lower left abdomen, precisely at the point where the embolization was placed.   The pain lasted for days, radiating and excruciating.

I went back to the doctor, he looked at via ultrasound and said everything was normal. He couldn’t explain the pain. Said it was “some other issue.”

Over the next year and a half, the pain would die down and then, through a rapid movement every couple months or so (during sex notably, or running), the pain would return. It would last about a month, ever so slowly dying down. I was forced to teach myself not to move as I normally would, and ignore the pain.

I don’t know why, but the pain seemed to come out when i was hungry or had an empty stomach.  In other words, there seemed to be a relationship between the pain and my digestive system from the start.

I also noticed that, while running, I would get incredible stomach cramps on my left side, which never happened before. I slowly lost pleasure in doing physical activities.

At the end of 2009, a year and a half after the embolization, suddenly the pain went away but it was replaced with what I describe as “numbness.” Pleasure, in general, energy died down tremendously. A myriad of different health issues began to appear, including, from most to least notable and annoying: sexual dysfunction, chronic fatigue, digestion problems.

Since then, I have tried to find solutions to my symptoms, as well as the underlying causes, with minimal success. Above all, I just want to lead a life where I am not trying to resolve body issues—which has taken up tremendous creative energy.

I have my theories as to what happened inside of me (see long story). I would love to hear your own story, if you have one, or hear your feedback, if you have suggestions or comments.

19 thoughts on “IN SHORT

  1. hi eva can you please post only on the preface page? thanks
    your last name wont appear at any rate

  2. Dear Admin.
    Thank you for your work and for relentlessly getting this discussion going.
    My son is planning on removing his coils. Would it be possible to get in contact with Jason H ( Jason H on March 12, 2019 at 11:31) and possibly get his email. It would be great to speak with someone who had it done at the same place.
    Kind regards and thanks again Eva

  3. hello pierre
    Pascal Roche est l’ostéopathe qui m’a trouvé Dr Attignac d’ailleurs… il est parmi les meilleurs, il soigne des chefs d’état, il a été à la tete des kinés psg pendant des années. pas économique — 150 la dernière fois que j suis allé — mais pour ton genre de problèmes ça vaut la peine d’essayer
    bon courage, tiens nous au courant

  4. Bonjour,

    On m’a embolisé avec coil sur la partie gauche qui m’a créer des douleurs jusqu’à là jamais connue, après être retourné voir mon radiologue a l’origine de l’opération qui m’a évidemment dis que ce n’était pas cela, j’ai commencé des recherches sur internet et j’ai trouvé ce site/forum. Grace a ça j’ai contacté le Dr Attignac à Paris qui a accepté de me retirer ce coil.
    Il était intrigué par la longueur de ce coil ( 20cm sur 6mm) .
    Après l’opération je me sentais mieux mais j’ai toujours des douleurs récurrentes sur la partie concernée ( des tensions dans le bas ventre, qui descendent dans les jambes , ainsi que des inflammations).
    Je suis retourné voir des urologues qui se renvoient la balle et j’avoue perdre un peu patience.
    Quelqu’un qui a déjà vécu un retrait de coil à un conseil ou une technique pour faire partir les douleurs ?
    Ostéopathe ou autre ?
    Merci d’avance pour vos réponses et bon courage à tous.

  5. Had this done as well, 20yo or so. No problems that I can tell, although it creeps me out I have 5 or so stainless steel coils in my vein. Important to note for you: They fully ligated your vein, so there would be no difference in “flow” after the procedure, outside of the “pull” on the vein/intestine having grown together.

  6. There are about 20 surgeons that will remove coils .
    What are their options on Embolization ?
    Why are their opinions not posted ?
    As their opinions would carry a lot of weight

  7. tous les noms des medecins sont en haut de la page
    j’ai utilisé attignac

  8. Bonjour . j’ai le même problème , ma vie et un enfer . je ne trouve pas de chirurgien pour m’opérer et je ne suis pas pris au sérieux . pouvez vous m’envoyer les coordonné de votre chirurgien .Merci

  9. Hi. I just found this website. I wish I found it sooner. I had an embolization…. YESTERDAY!

    Again, I myself could deal with the pain pre surgery, it was a mild discomfort rather tajn a pain. Like a kick in the nuts was done a awek ago and u was almost recovered from it, kind of pain.

    Well anyways, now just one day on, I am getting left loser ab pain.
    When I tense, flex, I get a v bizarre feeling like somethings pushing against the veins inside of me.
    Slight heart cramping,
    All left side related…

    I’m am avid weight trainer, and I know its inky been a day but I’m worried as hell now. Coils and all sitting inside of me. I think mine are platinum based. I think….

    If the pain goes away super, I’d love to hear from people where this actually worked for them.
    I can’t and refuse to not weight train because of this. Its either this pain goes, or I’m getting them removed if it persists.

    Do you think it’s ommon to have this bizarre pain when tensing just after surgery.
    I’ve not got any loser back pain at this time. Just the front, I’d say it feels about an inch behind the front of the loser left abs Goikg down to almost where the penis is.

    What are the chances of coils de lodging.

  10. Hello, Thanks so much for all this valuable information and everyones shared experiences.

    I had a coil placed over 15 years ago and a CT Scan I recently had shows it has been dislodged. I sometimes feel a shooting pain.

    Which are the doctors currently recommended for coil removal in CA, USA?

    Thanks for your input!

  11. MICROSURGERY if i absolutely had to choose. neither if i could.
    please repost on the PREFACE page ; all the posts on this page will soon be deleted.

  12. Ross
    all updates on my status are publicly visible at
    i am doing great.
    the procedure cost me, *after french social health care kicked in, minimally* :
    120€ x 2 visits to the urologist
    100€ uroscanner
    1200€ surgery urologist
    600€ anesthesiology
    150€ hospital room for the night

  13. Hi, I was in contact with you in November, asking you to film your coils being removed in Paris in November. Would love to be in touch, by email, or a voice call, as I am still suffering greatly from my coils which have been there since 2009. I’m in Europe at the moment and would be very interested in quizzing you more on the experience of having them removed in November, how you have felt since then in more detail. And also costs of the procedure, I am very serious about the possibility of having them removed as the symptoms are chronic as you can imagine, and also seem to be affecting many levels of my life inc. work. Many thanks once again for this website, and raising awareness. I’d be very very grateful to be in contact in private to discuss what I have written above. My email address is below. Would love to move forwards and hear/find out more. Many thanks!

  14. Good evening,
    I am 40 years Frenchman.

    I underwent 2 varicele embolizations in Paris :
    – sept. 2014 : left side,
    – sept 2016 : right side

    I have since suffered from chronicle pains everyday.

    I would like to share my experience with you.

    If you agree, thanks for your response.

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